make my aosp mirror to local server and make my branch push to my local aosp

P.S. 2014May22 21:43
At a later date, and I google. find these.

android - Pushing repo branch to local AOSP mirror - Stack Overflow
android - How to merge upstream changes into my mirrored internal server - Stack Overflow


AOSP on Google --- mirro ---> AOSP mirro on My server
                             │                    ↑
                             │                    │
                             │repo init           │repo forall -c push  or git push
                             │. sync              │
                             ↓. start  --all │
                             develop AOSP on My server

1st. fork full aosp

make aosp mirro to local server

ref Downloading the Source  |  Android Open Source Project

$ mkdir -p /usr/local/aosp/mirror
$ cd /usr/local/aosp/mirror
$ repo init -u --mirror
$ repo sync

2nd. like git clone

repo init with my local aosp

$ mkdir -p ~/kitkat
$ cd ~/kitkat
$ repo init -u /usr/local/aosp/mirror/platform/manifest.git -b android-4.4.2_r1.0
$ repo sync

3rd. like git branch -b

repo start

ref Repo command reference  |  Android Open Source Project

$ cd ~/kitkat
$ repo start mydevelop_branch --all

4th. edit modify code

make emacs and make hack. and git commit.

5th. like git push remote mydevelop_branch

use repo forall

ref Repo command reference  |  Android Open Source Project

$ cd ~/kitkat
$ repo forall -c push mydevelop_branch or git push

6th. loop to 3rd, 4th, 5th

happy Android-:)