Ubuntu10.04とWindowsXPでNX Free Edition、マイメモその1



 本家サイトよりNX Free Edition for Linux*1をDL。

sudo dpkg -i nxclient_3.4.0-7_i386.deb 


sudo dpkg -i nxnode_3.4.0-14_i386.deb 


sudo dpkg -i nxserver_3.4.0-14_i386.deb

 終了ステータス 1 を返しましたと、ERRORが出るけど無視できないw;

linux - How can be nxserver reinstalled from command line (UBUNTU)? - Super User



$ sudo apt-get remove nxserver
パッケージリストを読み込んでいます... 完了
状態情報を読み取っています... 完了
W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://ppa.launchpad.net/freenx-team/ppa/ubuntu/ lucid/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_freenx-team_ppa_ubuntu_dists_lucid_main_binary-i386_Packages)
W: これらの問題を解決するためには apt-get update を実行する必要があるかもしれません
E: パッケージ nxserve が見つかりません




$ sudo dpkg -i nxnode_3.4.0-14_i386.deb 
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree        
Reading state information... Done
Building data structures... Done 
Building data structures... Done 

NX Server
 NoMachine NX is a fast and scalable terminal server system based on the
 X11 protocol. NX lets you work fluently even across slow links like modems
 and provides a full set of administration tools that make it a complete
 desktop virtualization solution for your organization.
 This package contains the NX server software.
 nxnode: 3.4.0-14
 nxstat: 3.4.0-4
 This package requires the installation of a compatible version of the NX
 client and NX node software.
パッケージをインストールしますか? [y/N]:y
(データベースを読み込んでいます ... 現在 258736 個のファイルとディレクトリがインストールされています。)
nxserver 3.4.0-14(nxserver_3.4.0-14_i386.deb で) 置換するための準備をしています ...
nxserver を展開し、置換しています...
nxserver (3.4.0-14) を設定しています ...
NX> 704 ERROR: Cannot add user: nx.
NX> 704 ERROR: User: nx already exists.
NX> 704 To fix the problem, you may try to completely uninstall NX
NX> 704 Server and install it from scratch. If this is not enough,
NX> 704 please delete the nx user by using the system commands and
NX> 704 proceed with a new installation of NX Server.
dpkg: nxserver の処理中にエラーが発生しました (--install):
 サブプロセス installed post-installation script はエラー終了ステータス 1 を返しました


NX> 704 ERROR: Cannot add user: nx.
NX> 704 ERROR: User: nx already exists.



$ cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd

 ああ( ̄口 ̄)ノFreeNXのインストールの時にでも作られたのかな


sudo userdel -r nx


$ sudo gdebi nxserver_3.4.0-14_i386.deb
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree        
Reading state information... Done
Building data structures... Done 
Building data structures... Done 

NX Server
 NoMachine NX is a fast and scalable terminal server system based on the
 X11 protocol. NX lets you work fluently even across slow links like modems
 and provides a full set of administration tools that make it a complete
 desktop virtualization solution for your organization.
 This package contains the NX server software.
 nxnode: 3.4.0-14
 nxstat: 3.4.0-4
 This package requires the installation of a compatible version of the NX
 client and NX node software.
パッケージをインストールしますか? [y/N]:y
(データベースを読み込んでいます ... 現在 258736 個のファイルとディレクトリがインストールされています。)
nxserver 3.4.0-14(nxserver_3.4.0-14_i386.deb で) 置換するための準備をしています ...
nxserver を展開し、置換しています...
nxserver (3.4.0-14) を設定しています ...
NX> 700 Installing: server at: 日 1107 15:43:10 2010.
NX> 700 Autodetected system: debian.
NX> 700 Install log is: /usr/NX/var/log/install.
NX> 700 Creating configuration file: /usr/NX/etc/server.cfg.
NX> 723 Cannot start NX statistics:
NX> 709 NX statistics are disabled for this server.
NX> 700 WARNING: Error when trying to connect to NX server. Error is:
NX> 700 WARNING: ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
NX> 700 WARNING: NX has been configured to use the SSH server on default port
NX> 700 WARNING: 22 but no SSH daemon is listening on this port. When the
NX> 700 WARNING: installation completes, please ensure that SSHD is installed
NX> 700 WARNING: and is up and running. If you want to contact SSHD daemon on
NX> 700 WARNING: a port different from 22, you need to configure NX Server and
NX> 700 WARNING: Node accordingly. More information is available on the NoMachine
NX> 700 WARNING: Knowledge Base at: http://www.nomachine.com/kb/index.php
NX> 700 Installation of NX server was completed with warnings.
NX> 700 Please review the install log '/usr/NX/var/log/install'
NX> 700 for further details.
NX> 700 Showing file: /usr/NX/share/documents/server/install-notices

Server keys

The initial login between client and server happens through a DSA key 
pair, i.e. a couple of specially generated cryptographic keys, called 
the private key and the public key, which allow you to establish a 
secure connection, by means of SSL encryption, between NX client and 
NX server. 

The public part of the key-pair is provided during the installation 
of the server, while the private part of the key-pair is distributed 
together with the NX Client. This ensures that each NX client is able 
to authenticate to the server and to start the procedure for autho-
rizing the user and negotiating the session. 

If you want to create a virtual private network (VPN) instead, you 
need to generate a new DSA key-pair and distribute the private part 
of the key-pair to those NX clients you want authenticated to the NX 
server. More information on how to generate and distribute a new DSA 
key-pair is available at:  


Creating Users

NX is configured to allow access from any system user, as long as 
valid credentials are given to the user for the SSH login. NX pro-
vides an alternative authorization method, allowing system admin-
istrators to determine which users are given access to the NX fun-
ctionalities. This works by implementing a separation between the 
system password and the NX password, so that, for example, it is 
possible to forbid remote access to the system by any other means 
except via NX and use the NX tools to implement effective accounting 
of the system resources used by the user, or to share NX passwords in 
an external database.

To activate the NX user and password DBs, you will have to edit the
NX server configuration file by hand or use the NX Server Manager 
Web tool available for download on the NoMachine Web site at:


Session Shadowing and Desktop Sharing

The session shadowing functionality allows you to share NX sessions 
running on the node. The desktop sharing functionality instead, gives 
access to the native display of the X server as if you were in front 
of the monitor. By default you can access sessions in interactive mode 
and upon authorization of the session owner. You can modify this beha-
viour by tuning the server configuration according to your needs, for 
example by allowing access to sessions in view-only mode, or connecting
to either a suspended session or the local display via the Desktop 
Manager login window.

Load Balancing

NX Advanced Server provides support for multi-node capabilities and 
load balancing. In its current implementation, NX server can only 
manage accounts on the host machine, so to grant access to the node 
running remotely, you will need to create the user account directly 
on the remote node host by issuing the NX node commands as root user.
You will also need to add the NX Server public DSA Key to the node to 
allow this server to connect to the node running on the remote host. 


For further information on how to manage the configuration of your 
NX system, please refer to the System Administrator's Guide available 
on the NoMachine Web site at:


The NoMachine Team.

NX> 700 Bye.

*1:for Solarisも今度試してみる^^